Sunday, June 14, 2009

Training a Little Lady...

My daughter, Jovanna, is now eleven and thinking a lot about boys and asking a lot of questions I haven't been able to figure out how to answer yet. She often grabs my make-up bag and attempts to put on make-up but struggles to know exactly how to do that. So, today I took her to the store and bought her a small basic supply of age appropriate colors and items so she can practice. I showed her the basics of how to select and apply different things like foundation, powder, mascara, eye and lip liner, lipstick and eyeshadow. She paid close attention to the instructions I gave her and I applied make-up to her this time to show her what to do. I expect she will be practicing for herself in the coming days. This should get interesting...

Hope you enjoy a few photos from our make-up crash course today!


Heather Lough said...

Ugghh! My dd's 8 and already putting makeup on all the time. Jovanna looks beautiful in those pics. They grow up so fast.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you're signing papers today or soon.

LoisB said...

Carrie, that 2nd photo is beautiful! I can see a great LO in your future.